Herbal Remedies

Cream, teas, tinctures for specific ailments. Creams are great to get an immediate relief or address acute conditions (such as bruises, burns, stings), for chronic conditions (such as eczema, arthritis…). I would also recommend internal treatment such as a tincture or tea, to support the whole body and work on the root cause.

This is a very good starting point to honour your health, if you desire a more tailored targeted treatment, please book a consultation.

COLLECTION ONLY from the Herb Temple in Great Missenden No shipping available

Herbal Teas

These herbal teas are organic or ethically foraged in the wild.  I forage them myself from our local countryside or harvest herbs that I grow, when not possible I source them for local UK suppliers. I believe in the synergy of local plants breathing the same air and growing from the same ground we walk upon. All of these teas can be use daily for pure enjoyment and/or for specific conditions you may want to address.

Herbal Tinctures

A tincture is made from medicinal plant macerated in ethanol to extract a concentrate of plant compounds that are beneficial for our health and can be used medicinally. I make most tinctures myself with fresh local plants or source the ones I can’t make from local UK suppliers. Tinctures are generally more potent and concentrated than teas and can be more convenient to take daily if you have a very busy life.

Herbal Remedy Creams

These medicinal creams are made from organic ingredients, combining infused herbal oil, herbal aromatic water, herbal tinctures and essential oils. I make the infused oils, and tinctures myself or source them from local UK suppliers, I distill the herbal water from the Herb Temple.